We often hear of businesses growing rapidly, and sometimes beyond what their creator ever imagined.

But with growth comes challenges – some of which can be planned for and some of which might be unexpected.

In this episode, we look at managing the challenge of growth and how to create the right strategies to suit your business.

We cover:

  • The biggest questions to ask yourself before embarking on business growth
  • The most common challenges growing businesses encounter
  • What you need in place to support your business through a growth phase

The Essence of Meaningful Growth

Meaningful growth is growth that delivers on your core objectives. It involves answering important questions including: 

  • What kind of life do you want to live? 
  • What are the true goals of your business? and 
  • What kind of impact are you hoping to achieve? 

When growth aligns with these deeper goals, it becomes a powerful tool for achieving lasting success.

The Challenges of Rapid Growth

Over the years, I’ve witnessed businesses that experience month-on-month doubling. If a single person is running a business, starting with one job in month one, two jobs in month two, and four jobs in month three, this kind of growth might be manageable. 

But what happens when you scale from a much larger base? Well, that’s when you need to have some solid strategies in place that take into account a raft of different business factors. 

Staff and Resources

One of the first considerations is your staff. Do you have enough staff to handle increased demand? 

During rapid growth, the rush to hire more people can lead to poor hiring decisions. Without the right people, the job won’t get done, no matter how many employees you have. 

This is a common pitfall for businesses experiencing rapid growth.

Planning for Growth

The key to managing growth effectively is to plan for it. Understanding global trends and changes will help place your business in a position to take advantage of shifting circumstances. 

But even without external changes, internal adjustments can also drive growth by better understanding what unique value your business provides to its customers.

Consistency and Clarity

It takes clarity and a deep look inside to understand what it is you deliver and what your customers need. 

This understanding helps you take advantage of opportunities, regardless of whether changes are happening outside your business. 

Successful businesses adapt to changing external circumstances and thrive even in stable conditions by refining their internal processes.

Smart Growth Strategies

There are plenty of examples of businesses that expanded due to external changes and then subsequently disappeared because the growth wasn’t handled well. 

Conversely, many businesses have successfully chosen a growth path, planned meticulously for it, and achieved their targeted growth.

Before venturing into the ‘big bad world,’ it’s crucial to have a detailed plan. 

Whether you plan to grow or maintain your current size, the idea is to have a solid plan that outlines what’s likely to happen. Even the best-laid plans can sometimes go awry, but having a plan positions you better to navigate changes effectively. 

Adapting to Change

The most successful businesses are those that can understand and adapt to changes as they occur. 

If we recognise changes for what they are, we can deal with them effectively. However, if we misinterpret changes, our decisions may lead to less favourable outcomes.

Making Informed Decisions

Understanding the nature of change is crucial for making decisions that provide the best outcomes. 

This approach allows you to move through life and business while enjoying the successes you’ve worked for. It’s all about making informed decisions that lead you to your desired goals.

In the end, what’s business all about? It’s about providing a life that you enjoy.

Start today by evaluating how you can grow your business to deliver precisely what you want. By seeing your business—and the world around it—clearly, you’ll find that life becomes much easier and your business more fulfilling.


  • [00:32] Exponential Business Growth
  • [01:08] Challenges of Rapid Growth
  • [02:23] Planning for Sustainable Growth
  • [03:37] Adapting to Change
  • [04:11] Importance of Strategic Planning
  • [05:48] Achieving Business Goals
  • [06:16] The true purpose of business

Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

Business Wisdom: Strategies for Success, written by renowned business strategist Clive Enever, is the ultimate guide for entrepreneurs and business executives looking to move to the next level.

The book provides readers with insights and strategies based on his 25 years of experience helping businesses of all sizes and industries.

Covering topics such as business planning, customer engagement, leadership, time management, risk mitigation, and growth, this book offers practical advice, tools, and exercises to help readers achieve their business goals.

With a focus on empowering readers to achieve a fulfilling and successful business aligned with their personal needs and aspirations.

Business Wisdom: Strategies for Success is an essential read for anyone looking to succeed in the competitive world of business.
