What Makes a Great Tweet?
- Keep it simple. With only 240 characters, you have to keep your message concise and straight to the point. Make sure it doesn’t confuse people so that you get a higher chance to be re-tweeted. Enhance the tweet. Adding a video, image, or link to an article that relates to tweets provides more content and context for the tweet.
- Tone and style. Have a conversation with your Twitter audience. Build that human to human connection even if it’s just as short as a tweet. Avoid the jargon when possible to avoid confusion.
- Call to action. Make it easy for your audience to re-tweet your messages or share your posts. Create an engagement with your audience
- Use hashtags correctly. Hashtags are synonymous with Twitter, so it’s worth doing your research to understand how they’re being used and which are most closely related to your products and services. Use a tool like Hashtagify, DisplayPurposes or MissingLettr to identify hashtags most closely related to your target keywords and those used in relation to them.
Build and Optimise Your Twitter Profile
- Optimise your profile if you have not already earlier in the challenge
- Follow leaders and key stakeholders in your field
- Let your people know you are on Twitter
- Engage with those people you follow
- Retweet a few tweets
- Install Twitter on your phone so you can make it part of your day
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
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