Business Coaching has been a growing phenomenon over the last several years and many people have taken advantage of the opportunity to grow their business using the assistance a coach can offer. There has also been substantial growth in the number of coaches offering their services.
What does a Business Coach do? Like a coach of a sporting team or individual the Business Coach enables the one being coached to use more of their innate talents, achieve more in less time and reach greater heights.
It is natural to wonder how a coach might help; what a coach might do; and how enlisting the expertise of a coach might benefit your business. All valid questions and all deserving of answers.
Some more questions;
- Are you a new business; or
- Does your existing business lack clear goals or direction
- Are your staff disorganised; or do they lack motivation
- Do you wonder where your ‘bottom line’ went
As your Business Coach my experience in various businesses from all sorts of ‘start’ positions can help you;
- Explore your potential;
- Gain clarity on what you really want;
- Determine the options available;
- Establish plans which can then be worked through; &
- Then help you celebrate achieving your growth and your goals.
The first thing you need in business is a Business Plan. Have you got one? Seen it lately? Without a clear vision of where you are going and the appropriate mechanisms, procedures and policies to ensure you can achieve your objectives, you risk losing control.
As part of your Business Plan identify:
- Key skills – from which you will identify key strategies;
- Weaknesses and strengths within your organisation;
- Opportunities for you to grow your sphere of influence
Knowing these things helps you arrive at where you want to be more quickly, with the least amount of stress and hardship.
Every minute spent in planning saves ten minutes in execution. The purpose of planning is to increase your returns; the return on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual capital you have invested in your life, your career, your business.
Wondering why various unhelpful things are happening in your life or your business? Get a real plan and have real control of your business and your life! Eliminate errors and negative unhelpful activities; take charge of your success. Surround yourself with someone who will concentrate ‘with’ you on ‘your’ success.