Make no mistake, small business is about the big picture.

It involves the investment of time and energy for a greater good that meets your goals. These goals may be building a business that you sell to fund your retirement, establishing an empire for your children or having an enterprise that operates without your direct input, providing the lifestyle and income you desire.

Whatever goals you have they should be clearly established along with a mapped-out plan to meet them.

Creating the map:

  • What are you looking to achieve? Have a master plan of the goals you are looking to meet, and a time frame for when you want to meet them.
  • How will it be achieved? Break your goals down into the individual tasks involved to achieve your aim.
  • Who is responsible for achieving them? Assign tasks to relevant staff members including deadlines of what you want done by when.
  • How will you measure the outcome? Define the targets and key performance indicators that you will use to measure your outcomes.

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