Listening is a very important skill in business and is essential to every conversation we have. Good listening skills allow us to hear what is actually being said and open up the door for even more communication from the person we are conversing with.
Verbal communication involves both speaking and listening. listening is key to effective working relationships among employees and between management and staff. Listening skills also impact a company’s interaction with customers and other businesses.
So how do we make the most of our communications and listen to what is being said and not said, when having conversations in business?
Listen Don’t Prejudge:
Don’t jump to conclusions about the person you are speaking with, be open to what they are telling you prejudging means we shut the doors to at least half the conversation.
Don’t argue mentally over what has been said, as this means you are not listening, and the distraction will distract you from the message. Take notes if you have to and then you can respond later. By arguing mentally we are prejudging the conversation and missing the message.
Don’t interrupt:
Listening well requires us to let the message be said. If we stop the person we stop and change the intended message so:
- Limit your own talking
- Concentrate and take note while you are listening
- Use reflective phrases – So what you mean is……..
Actively Listen:
Be present in the call or meeting you are having with someone allows you to actively listen and means the little distractions don’t get in the way. Actively listening requires us to acknowledge but not interrupt and listen for more than the words.
- Limit Distractions, by having all material in front of you
- Don’t interrupt, but do use words like; I see, yes, right……..
- Think like the customer by listening for ideas, not just words
Listening helps us, gain information from the conversation so we can better make decisions on the message, it builds trust with the people we are conversing with also. So in that next meeting or call Listen for the message.