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The most important questions in business

When it comes to business, too often business owners become bogged down in the day-to-day running of things. We get caught up in the operation but fail to look at the big picture of what we hope to achieve and how. Success can be whittled down to a number of factors by answering some pertinent questions. These are the questions a business owner should be asking in order to achieve success.

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So you want to start a business…

Many of us dream of starting our own business, of taking that step into independence and self-sufficiency. So what are the best ways to ensure your dream is a success? Here are my top pieces of advice to start a business and those looking to take their business to the next level of success.

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Planning to succeed in Business

There’s an old saying “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”, and this is certainly the case when it comes to business. Too often business owners believe their product or service will do the talking and fail to properly plan to achieve their goals. Whether it’s planning for expansion, planning to start your own business, planning for succession, or planning for sale, a good business plan means planning for success and here are the critical tips for attaining it.

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Business Coaching – Why / What / How etc

Business Coaching has been a growing phenomenon over the last several years and many people have taken advantage of the opportunity to grow their business using the assistance a coach can offer.  There has also been substantial growth in the number of coaches offering their services.

What does a Business Coach do?  Like a coach of a sporting team or individual the Business Coach enables the one being coached to use more of their innate talents, achieve more in less time and reach greater heights.

It is natural to wonder how a coach might help; what a coach might do; and how one might help.  All valid questions and all deserving of answers.

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