Last week I spoke of Time management being a major issue for many business owners. One way of helping with managing time is to have a thorough Strategic Plan.
A good plan will give you insight into where you are now, where you want to go, how you can get there and multiple other clues about having a business run smoothly.
One of the most damaging issues in business is having unexpected events arise and frighten the business owner into a state of paralysis – unable to address the issue. Strategic planning allows for easier handling of any event, expected or unexpected.
To get started along this path, try this. Look critically to
• What is working
• What can be improved (perhaps a process that is failing …)
• Where are you right now (on your preferred journey …)
• Where do you want to be; &
• When do you want to be there
Not everyone thinks in a strategic way and this makes the ideal time to get someone to help. A coach or mentor skilled in this area can help find the ways to navigate through circumstances confronting the business owner.