In this session, we are pulling out a card from the Blogspiration Deck: Ideas and Inspiration for Blogging to talk about crosslinking your blogging content and how to utilise crosslinking to enhance your blog’s effectiveness. 

When it comes to blogging, one of the most effective yet often overlooked strategies is crosslinking.

By interlinking your blog posts, you can significantly enhance your site’s user experience, SEO, and engagement metrics. 

Here’s how to make the most out of your blog posts through crosslinking:

What is Crosslinking?

Crosslinking involves linking from one blog post to another within your website. This practice not only keeps readers on your site longer but also helps them discover more of your valuable content. If they aren’t ready to take action after reading one post, another linked post might be what they need to continue their journey.

Benefits of Crosslinking

  1. Increased Time on Site: By providing readers with additional related content, you keep them engaged and on your site longer. This signals to search engines that your site offers valuable content.
  2. Improved SEO: Crosslinking boosts your site’s SEO by creating a network of links that search engines can crawl, improving the visibility and ranking of your content.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: Offering related articles helps readers find more of what they are interested in, leading to a better overall user experience.

How to Implement Crosslinking

  1. Audit Your Existing Content: Start by reviewing your current blog posts. Identify articles that are related or can be connected through keywords and topics.
  2. Use Related Articles Features: Utilise plugins or built-in features on your website to suggest related articles at the end of your posts or in the sidebar.
  3. Leverage Keywords and Phrases: When writing new content, look for opportunities to link to existing posts. Ensure the anchor text (the clickable text) is relevant and descriptive.
  4. Incorporate in Project Management: Add crosslinking tasks to your project management tool. For instance, if you use ClickUp, create tasks to remind you to link new content to relevant older posts and vice versa.
  5. Extend Beyond Your Blog: Don’t limit crosslinking to just your blog. When guest posting or contributing to other websites, include links to relevant articles on your site. However, avoid linking to promotional content, as this could be frowned upon by other site editors.

Best Crosslinking Practices

  • Relevance is Key: Only link to content that is genuinely related. Irrelevant links can frustrate readers and harm your SEO.
  • Balance Your Links: Avoid overloading a single post with too many links. Aim for a natural flow that enhances the reader’s experience.
  • Regular Updates: Periodically revisit old posts to see if newer content can be linked. This keeps your blog fresh and interconnected.

By effectively implementing crosslinking, you can significantly enhance the performance and user experience of your blog. Start today by reviewing your content and identifying opportunities for interlinking. This simple yet powerful strategy can lead to greater engagement, improved SEO, and a more comprehensive resource for your readers.

Want more blogging ideas and inspiration? Pick up your own Blogspiration Deck


  • [00:00] Introduction to Cross Linking
  • [00:34] Benefits of Crosslinking
  • [01:29] How to Implement Crosslinking
  • [02:26] Advanced Crosslinking Strategies
  • [03:17] Conclusion and Action Steps

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