We all have those days. The ones where everything feels heavy, where negativity starts creeping in, and suddenly, even small tasks seem overwhelming. As business owners, parents, and multitaskers, we carry so much on our shoulders, and when things don’t go to plan, it’s easy to let that negative train roll full steam ahead.
I get it. I’ve been there.
And I also know that the longer we let those thoughts sit unchecked, the harder it becomes to turn things around. That’s why I want to share a simple yet powerful mindset reset exercise that I use myself, with my clients, and even with my teenage daughter. It’s a strategy that helps break the cycle of overwhelm and shift the focus back to what’s working; because what we focus on grows.
The 5-Minute Positive Reset Exercise
This exercise is designed to retrain your brain to focus on the positives rather than letting the negative spiral take over. Here’s how you do it:
Set a Timer for 5 Minutes
Give yourself five minutes of uninterrupted time. Grab two pieces of paper and a pen because physically writing this down is important!
Write Down Everything Positive
On the first sheet of paper, list everything that’s going well, big or small. It could be a project you’re making progress on, a kind message from a client, or simply the fact that you showed up today. Whatever it is, get it down.
Acknowledge the Negatives – But Set Limits
If negative thoughts pop up, write them on a separate piece of paper. And for every one negative thing, challenge yourself to write three positives on your first sheet. This helps your brain balance out its natural tendency to focus on what’s wrong.
Identify Three Key Wins
From your positive list, highlight three things you’re really proud of. These are your proof that progress is happening, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
Keep the Positive, Discard the Negative
Stick your positive list somewhere visible; on your desk, in your planner, or as a reminder on your phone. The negative list? Scrunch it up and throw it in the bin. If you can’t control it, it’s not worth carrying.
Why This Works
Our brains are wired to hold onto negativity, it’s a survival instinct. But this often means we overthink, stress, and stay stuck in everyday life. Writing things down forces us to shift our focus and break the pattern before it takes over.
And no, just thinking about it won’t work. Your brain needs the physical act of writing to create a mind-body connection that actually helps you release negativity and reinforce the positive.
Take Back Control of Your Mindset
Negativity will come, but you decide how long it stays. You control the train. When that negative train starts rolling, turn it around. Choose what stays in your mind and what gets left behind.
Try this exercise and see how it works for you. And if you have a strategy that helps you shift your mindset, share it with us I’d love to hear what works for you!
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