Marketing an online course is a pivotal aspect of ensuring its success, but understanding precisely when and how to execute this is another strategy on its own.

Timing and strategic promotion can make all the difference. So in this episode of The Course Creators Circle Podcast, we delve into the strategies for when and how to market your courses effectively.

1. Start Early and Educate

Begin by understanding that online courses should be a part of your business offerings, not the entire business. Therefore, it’s vital to start marketing early. Educational marketing works wonders here. Instead of solely promoting your course, start by sharing your knowledge. Dispense valuable insights and information related to your course topic. This not only establishes your authority but also plants the seed of interest in potential learners’ minds.

2. Utilise Short-Form Video

Short-form video is a dominant force nowadays. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts offer ample opportunities for discovery. Creating short video snippets, sharing tips, or offering quick insights related to your course topic can attract and engage your target audience effectively.

3. Repurpose Content Across Platforms

No need to be overwhelmed by trying to be everywhere at once. Utilise tools like to streamline content distribution. Record short videos and efficiently share them across various platforms, from TikTok to Pinterest. This approach helps you reach a broader audience without overextending yourself.

4. Network and Engage

Engaging with your audience is crucial. Participating in relevant social groups and online communities is an effective strategy, but don’t rush to sell your course. Instead, focus on answering questions and building your profile. This showcases your expertise and provides insights into your audience’s needs.

5. Build Your Email List

Your email list is a valuable asset in the course marketing journey. As you engage with your audience and gain insights, start building your email list. Offer valuable content like cheat sheets, webinars, or downloadable resources in exchange for email addresses. Ensure that what you offer is genuinely valuable to your audience.

6. Market While Creating

Don’t wait until your course is fully finished to begin marketing. Share your progress and enthusiasm with your audience. Highlight exciting developments or insights you’ve gained during the course creation process. This generates anticipation and keeps your audience engaged.

7. Countdown to Launch

When it’s time to launch your course, create a countdown. Offer a free preview, special discounts, or a free trial to give potential learners a taste of what’s to come and what to expect. This approach allows them to experience your teaching style and the value that your course offers.

8. Continuous Marketing

Course marketing is an ongoing effort. It doesn’t end after you launch. Allocate a substantial portion of your course creation journey to marketing. Use evergreen marketing strategies, maintain an active social media presence, and regularly communicate with your audience through newsletters.

Consider sharing valuable content marketing pieces related to your course. Convert videos or insights into blog posts, providing even more value to your audience and driving traffic to your course.


When it comes to marketing your online course, timing is everything. Starting early, engaging with your audience, and building anticipation is key. Embrace various platforms and tools to streamline your efforts, and remember that marketing is a continuous process.

Just as courses are built one module at a time, effective course marketing is a series of small, strategic steps that accumulate into a successful launch. By incorporating these strategies into your business journey, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving online course and a dedicated community of learners.

So, when should you start marketing your course? The answer is simple—start now.


  • [00:00:00] Marketing courses within your business
  • [00:00:52] Why courses should be part of your business offering
  • [00:01:36] Why use educational marketing strategies
  • [00:02:28] How to use short-form videos for course marketing
  • [00:03:12] Networking in social groups and gathering insights about your audience
  • [00:03:46] How to build an email list
  • [00:04:26] Why you should market during the course creation process
  • [00:05:13] Launching your course
  • [00:06:08] Importance of continuous course marketing


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